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Your better flashcard

Effortlessly Memorize, Progress Tracking

Vocapilot allows you to create decks of terms, quizzes to aid in memorization. It is particularly effective for language learning, test preparation, and more.

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Flashcards Simplified

Create your own or explore available decks with Vocapilot's user-friendly interface.

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Memory-Boosting Quizzes

Test your knowledge and reinforce your memory with interactive quizzes tailored to your needs.

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Track Your Progress

Monitor your memorization status and stay motivated with our status indicator.

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We Are Working On

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Spaced Repetition

Improving the status indicator with spaced repetition for optimized learning, along with a sleek new progress monitoring UI.

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Card UI Makeover

Enjoy a fresh, modern card interface for an even better learning experience.

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Varied Learning Modes

We'll adding more testing and learning modes to cater to your unique preferences.

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For improved language pronunciation and learning

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Try Vocapilot and supercharge your learning journey with flashcards today!

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